Take These Bones

(Dir. Gregorio Graziosi)

2023 | videoclipe | 4’27 | cor | 16:9

A song about a body that keeps finding new ways to fail me

Produtora: Alf & Art Produtores: Bruno Alfano, Rúnar Ingi Einarsson, Lára Theódóra Kettler Elenco: Vera Valdez, Jean-Claude Bernardet, Haraldur Thorleifsson

"A few times every year I realize I can't do something anymore that I could do a few weeks earlier.

I remember when I realized I couldn't run anymore. Later it was walking up stairs. Then standing up, walking, lifting my arms, playing guitar, holding my child, getting into bed on my own, sitting up, dressing myself.

All of those moments broke my heart. And the next one will too. And the next one. And the next one.

I'm living with a disease that slowly, but surely, takes away all of my physical abilities. Trapped in a body that constantly finds new ways to tighten the rope. A prison that keeps building more and more walls. Muscles that don't work anymore. Being joined by more useless muscles.

Until nothing is left but pain. And loneliness.

And bones.

This song is about the never ending march into darkness. And the hope for light.”

- Halli


2 Brasis

